Alan Dunne is an Irish illustrator and author based in Ireland. He is passionate about vernacular design and uncovering stories through cultural historical archives. This is reflected in his practice through his comics, heritage-based commissions and through re-appropriation of vernacular graphics and typography. He teaches illustration part-time at the National College of Art & Design, Dublin.
Get Off That Ship is an ongoing graphic novel project being developed by Alan Dunne. It sets out to chronicle the true story of Frank Browne, a Jesuit novice and photographer who travelled from Southampton to Queenstown on the ill-fated Titanic. It tells the story that surrounds the famous photographs he took on that voyage with his humble Kodak Brownie No.2 and the twist of fate that saved his life.
In the interest of historical accuracy, the illustrations have been painstakingly researched. The words are also sourced and edited from a variety of first hand accounts made by Frank Browne himself – apart from where artistic licence was used in invented conversations and editorial rearranging for purposes of narrative flow.
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The Fr Browne Collection & further reading
The photographs referred to in this web comic are available to be viewed online at: www.fatherbrowne.com
If you are interested further in the life and photographs of Fr Frank Browne, there are a variety of publications by Dr. E. E. O’Donnell SJ – quite simply the authority on the photography and life of Fr. Frank Browne.
If you are interested further in the life and photographs of Fr Frank Browne, there are a variety of publications by Dr. E. E. O’Donnell SJ – quite simply the authority on the photography and life of Fr. Frank Browne.
There is also the Irish Jesuit Archives who maintain historical archives of the Jesuits of Ireland.